RREUSE network is growing: welcome to our two new members!
During the RREUSE Network’s General Assembly held in November 2023, we welcomed two new associate members as part of our growing community. We warmly welcome these new members, who will significantly contribute to our shared goals, vision, and mission.
Looking back to a bustling and successful year 2023
In 2023, RREUSE worked tirelessly to raise awareness about the inspiring work of our social enterprise members and promote their impact on social inclusion and circular economy. We closely monitored the environmental, circular, and socio-economic policies of the...
RREUSE Member Impact 2022
This infographic highlights the positive social and circular impact generated by our wider membership base in 2022, consisting of 35 member organisations spread across 31 countries.
“Right to Repair” Directive: A step closer to a truly universal right to repair
The IMCO Committee has approved its report on the “Right to Repair” Directive with almost unanimous support. RREUSE is pleased to see this action being taken in response to the demand from most European citizens for more durable and repairable products.
Unleashing the potential of social enterprises in the digital era
RREUSE and its members have launched a 12-month project that aims to unleash the potential of social enterprises in the digital era: ”The digital era of social enterprises: trends and opportunities within the circular economy (DigiSocCirc)”.
RREUSE’s new project aims to boost partnerships between mainstream businesses and social enterprises
RREUSE and its members have launched a project to open new doors for social enterprises’ partnerships with mainstream businesses: “Buying Social and Circular – Social Enterprises and Private Sector Partnerships (BuySocCirc)”. The 18-month project is supported by a grant from the European Commission under the SMP COSME programme.
A big step toward making sustainable products the norm
RREUSE has been closely following the development of the Ecodesign for Sustainable Product Regulation, and we welcome the outcome of today’s vote in the European Parliament. Regrettably, the EP did not take the opportunity to include the social dimension of sustainability in the regulation, but on many other aspects the text is a major step forward in making access to sustainable products the norm across the EU.
Call to Action | Just Transition: A New Social Contract for the Wellbeing of People and the Planet
RREUSE joined forces with many other organisations to release a Call to Action for the Just Transition. The organisations call on European Ministers for Environment and Energy, as well as other EU and national level decisionmakers, to complement the implementation of urgently needed, ambitious environmental and climate policies with robust social policies that protect marginalised people primarily and the regions suffering disproportionately from the transition, whilst guaranteeing access to high-quality essential services for all. They call on them to show bold and forward-thinking political leadership by prioritising the promotion of climate action and social justice as one coherent and mutually reinforcing agenda.
Stitching Together a Social and Circular Future for Textiles
RREUSE network recently gathered in Berlin for the “Stitching together a Social and Circular future for Textiles” conference that brought together leading experts, social entrepreneurs, policymakers, and social enterprise leaders. Together, we imagined a world where fashion is not just a means of self-expression but a force for positive change.
A watershed moment for social enterprises in the textiles sector
RREUSE welcomes the proposed text of the revision of the Waste Framework Directive as a major milestone in recognising the pivotal role of social enterprises active in re-use. The text published by the European Commission on 5 July rightfully acknowledges these social enterprises as historical and key actors for the circular transition of the textile sector.
RREUSE reacts: The European Commission calls on Member States for better policies for social enterprises in the circular economy
RREUSE welcomes the European Commission (EC) ’s proposal for a Council Recommendation on developing social economy framework conditions published June 13th, a flagship initiative of the Action Plan on the Social Economy (SEAP) aimed at encouraging EU Member States to create better-enabling environments for social enterprises and all social economy actors across pertinent policy areas.
RREUSE’s reaction to the European Parliament’s report on the EU Textiles Strategy
RREUSE welcomes the report on an EU Strategy for Sustainable and Circular Textiles that the European Parliament (EP) adopted on 1 June 2023. Whereas the EP report could have gone further in tackling key issues, it does address some of the missing pieces in European Commission’s proposal and is a crucial step toward a more ambitious circular and social framework for the future of the textile sector.