About us
Welcome to RREUSE, the international network for social enterprises active in the circular economy
notably in the fields of re-use, repair and recycling.
At RREUSE, our mission is to empower, represent, and support the social and circular enterprise community, helping drive its development through positive change in European policy, facilitating the exchange of best practices, and fostering meaningful partnerships.
Our vision is an inclusive circular economy based on re-use and repair in solidarity with both people and environment. We believe that this vision is achievable through collaboration and cooperation, and we are committed to doing our part to make it a reality.
Our Work
Drawing on the first-hand experience of its members, RREUSE aims to ensure well-designed EU policies, innovative partnerships and the sharing of best-practices which help to develop inclusive and circular business models across Europe and beyond. The RREUSE network is coordinated by its Secretariat which is based in Brussels and carries out the following actions in cooperation with its members:

Representing, promoting and communicating about the sector of social enterprises active in re-use, repair and recycling, and its activities to relevant European and international stakeholders.

Advocating for a stronger policy framework at EU level to support social enterprise activities in environmental services including in the EU Circular Economy Action Plan and Social Economy Action Plan.

Forming alliances with other EU associations in order to mutualise lobbying efforts and share intelligence in the most effective
way possible.

Facilitating exchange of contacts, best practice examples and local, national and legal developments among social enterprises working in the field of re-use, repair and recycling through dedicated member sessions and tailored communication channels.

Gathering unique data on the re-use and repair sector from its members and producing value-added analysis to showcase the impact
of our sector.

Acting as partner in international projects aimed at further developing the reuse, repair, and recycling sector in cooperation with universities, local authorities and research centres on both environmental and social issues.
Icons from Flaticon
The RREUSE Governance Structure
The work of our members
More than 110,000 employees, trainees, and volunteers are engaged in the activities of our member organisations spread across more than 31 countries.
Our members employ people at risk of socio-economic exclusion and help bring them back into the labour market. In addition, they bring products back to the market at affordable prices, providing essential household items to low-income groups. Working with 26 different material streams, their sector of activity ranges widely from textiles, furniture, and electronics to food distribution and composting.
RREUSE is a member of:
- The European Commission’s Expert Group on Social Economy and Social Enterprises
- The European Commission’s Ecodesign and Energy labelling Consultation Forum
- The Social Good Accelerator
- The Social Platform
- The Right to Repair Europe Coalition
- The European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform Coordination Group
- The Wellbeing Economy Alliance