In the context of the consideration of the European Parliament’s draft report on the EU Strategy for sustainable and circular textiles, RREUSE, together with 6 civil society organisations recalls the necessary actions to make the textiles strategy an effective tool to shift the sector towards circularity as well as environmental and social sustainability.
CALL FOR EVIDENCE – State Aid: review of SGEI de minimis Regulation
RREUSE, the International network representing social enterprises active in re-use, repair and recycling, welcomes the call for evidence on reviewing rules on the Services of general economic interest (SGEI) de minimis Regulation.
RREUSE Position Paper on the Revised VAT Directive
RREUSE believes that Member States should make use of the current window of opportunity for updating Value Added Tax (VAT) rules to create a better taxation framework for social enterprises active in the circular economy. Reduced VAT rates and exemptions on the basis of social and environmental activities are an essential instrument to acknowledge social enterprises’ large contribution to fostering work integration opportunities, green skilling, and the objectives of a circular economy, in line with the EU Social Economy and Circular Economy Action Plans.
RREUSE Feedback for the Call for Evidence: 2023 European Year of Skills
RREUSE greatly welcomes the Commission’s proposal for the 2023 European Year of Skills which also acknowledges the social economy’s decisive role as a proponent of a socially fair and inclusive twin transition including in the field of upskilling and reskilling.
RREUSE’s reaction to the Revised Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation
On November 30, the Commission released its proposal for a new Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation as part of its second Circular Economy Package, aiming to reduce the environmental impact of packaging by removing its usage where unnecessary while also making packaging more reusable and recyclable.
A Just Transition to Reusable Packaging: Necessary Conditions, Benefits and Best Practice.
RREUSE has recently contributed to a report lead by Unpackaged and commissioned by the Rethink Plastic Alliance aiming to outline conditions, criteria, and recommendations for scaling up re-usable packaging systems in line with a just transition.
RREUSE’s answer to the call for evidence on the evaluation of the WEEE directive
E-waste is a unique waste stream because it contains both precious materials and hazardous substances, creating a concrete threat of environmental degradation if illegal actors motivated by the prospect of high profits engage in improper disposal.
Delivering a Just Transition to a Circular Economy
This article aims to showcase how social enterprises contribute to an inclusive and just circular transition. It does so in three key areas: job creation, reskilling and upskilling, and provision of affordable essential goods for vulnerable individuals.
RREUSE’s Feedback on Strengthening Social Dialogue in the EU
As the international network of reuse, repairing and recycling social enterprises promoting the social and circular economies, the RREUSE network has a long tradition of contributing to the implementation of the principles of the Pillar.
Letter on concerns about the Product Environmental Footprint methodology and its application to apparel and footwear products – Co-signed by RREUSE
12 civil society organisations call on the European Commission not to use the Product Environmental Footprint category rules (PEF-CR) for apparel and footwear “as the standalone method behind any future textile product labelling scheme, for substantiating green claims made in marketing, or in any other EU policy measures announced as part of the EU Strategy for Sustainable and Circular Textiles”.
RREUSE & ENSIE Position on the 2022 Ukraine Refugee Crisis
Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, on April 14, 2022, RREUSE, the European Network of Reuse and Recycling Social Enterprises, in cooperation with ENSIE, the European Network of Work Integration Social Enterprises (WISEs), organised an online discussion among their members in the presence of representatives of the European Commission (DG EMPL, DG GROW).
RREUSE’s Feedback on the Call for evidence: Framework Conditions Social Economy
RREUSE welcomes the initiative and calls on the Commission to ensure the Council Recommendation sends a clear message to Member States to promote a better national framework in support of the actors of the social economy, including social enterprises active in reuse, repairing, and recycling waste management activities.