Towards Zero Waste cities: How local authorities can apply waste prevention policies

13th May 2016 | Events, News

Wed. 22nd June 2016: 11:00 – 18:00 Committee of the Regions, Brussels

RREUSE and Zero Waste Europe are co-organising a conference on the topic of waste prevention at a local level.

Contributing to the ongoing debate on a European circular economy, this conference will be the occasion to showcase two European funded projects aiming at creating synergies and training tools encouraging local authorities to implement waste prevention policies on their territory:

  • LAWPreT is an ERASMUS+ funded project aiming at providing waste prevention training tools to Cypriot, Greek and Slovenian local authorities.
  • Town to town, people to people – Building a European Culture of Zero Waste” is a networking platform allowing Zero Waste Cities to share good practices and experiences. It is a Europe for Citizens (EACEA) funded project.

Please register yourself here by the 16th of June.

You can also find the agenda here.

Interpretation from English to Greek and from Greek to English will be provided.

Please feel free to contact us ( if you have any questions about this event.