The members of RREUSE work in the field of reuse, repair and recycling of a number of waste streams including WEEE and are very well placed to offer insights into how product design can affect lifespans of products. Download (pdf)
Position Paper on Public Procurement
Creating a resource efficient and socially inclusive Europe is at the heart of the EU 2020 strategy. The current proposal on public procurement provides potential to promote the role of social enterprises providing products and public services, including activities...
Briefing: Roadmap for a Resource Efficient Europe
Around 2.7 billion tonnes of waste was generated in 2010, but only about 40% of that was reused, recycled, or composted and digested in Europe (Eurostat Waste Statistics, 2011). Considering also the pressing need to boost employment and training opportunities, of...
Position Paper on End of Waste Criteria for Compost and Digestate
End of Waste Criteria for biowaste should be in place in order to allow the free trade of high quality, stable and safe compost and digestate within the EU. These criteria are being formulated primarily to address differences in inputs/processes/outputs of large scale...
Position Paper on Role of Accredited Reuse Centres Meeting a Separate Prepare for Reuse Target
This document is based on feedback from MS, EP, industry, municipalities, and representatives from reuse organisations. It aims at improving the possible implementation of the preparation for reuse target, as suggested by the ENVI committee. Download (pdf)
An Investigation and Analysis of the Second-Hand Sector in Europe
The sector analysis of the Second-Hand sector underpins that the sector seems to comparatively heterogeneous on the European level. The numerous different kinds of businesses and business fields along with the different corporate structures and employees contribute to...
The Management of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment – A Guide for Local Authorities
Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE) has infiltrated every aspect of our daily lives, providing our society with more comfort, health and security, with easy information acquisition and exchange. But the constant technological innovations, coupled with a growing...