Don’t lose the thread: the need for an ambitious tangible vision to change the textile sector

by | Feb 25, 2022 | Publications




This letter, co-signed by 12 environmental NGOs and representatives of waste treatment operators requests that the European Commission takes action to apply changes in the textile industry and prevent the harmful consequences of the processes currently in place.

The EU strategy for sustainable textiles, which results from the Circular Economy Action Plan, is a promising scheme that aims at achieving sustainability in Europe. In order for the plan to have valuable impact and result in positive change, there are several points that we believe need to be implemented.

These points include:

  • Setting EU targets for material and consumption footprint reduction.
  • Ensuring Ecodesign measures go beyond recyclability.
  • Going beyond putting the responsibility on consumers.
  • Addressing the economic, environmental and social impact of e-commerce across the value chain.