2 June 2015 – Brussels
Science14 Atrium, 14 Rue de la Science, 1040 Brussels
In the coming months, the European Commission will launch its new Circular Economy proposal. But what will it contain?
Will there be a new focus on making products repairable and longer-lasting in order to cut waste?
To shed light on these issues, the European Environmental Bureau, the Repair Café Foundation and RREUSE invite you to an exciting and interactive event during European Sustainable Development Week which will identify ways of making products more durable and repairable.
The event aims to put you at the centre of the discussion in a World Café style setting. Short, snappy presentations from experts in the field will be followed by table discussions.
For any questions, please contact Carsten Wachholz at carsten.wachholz@eeb.org or +32 4 72 12 91 53.