All hands on deck: Putting people & skills at the core of the circular economy

Understanding the importance of skills and training is critical in order to ensure a successful and inclusive transition to a circular economy. However, the lack of research and debate in this area can create barriers to inclusive training opportunities and risk an imbalance between labour supply and demand.

As a contribution RREUSE is excited to present and discuss our latest study which explores this topic by analysing 18 different cases from our social and circular enterprise community and identifying the challenges they have faced, as well as the policy recommendations that should be addressed in order to facilitate inclusive upskilling and reskilling in the circular economy.

Following the presentation of the study, there will be an opportunity to hear directly from social enterprise representatives as they share their experiences in running training programmes, their impact as well as the barriers and enablers to their implementation In addition, a panel discussion featuring key stakeholders and policy-makers will explore the role of EU policy in helping scale and develop circular training programmes.

With 2023 being European Year of Skills this conference is the perfect opportunity to learn and discuss about why and how social enterprises should be seen as key circular skills providers of the future!

This event is free of charge, with fantastic networking opportunities but spots are limited:  Register here! Special thanks to the European Commission for co-funding the event. 

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