Re-Use: Key Element of a Circular Economy in Central Europe and beyond
Online Final Conference of the SURFACE Project – Interreg Central Europe
2 & 4 June 2020, 2 – 4 PM CET
Together with our members Insieme and Humana Nova, RREUSE is a partner in the SURFACE project, promoting opportunities for citizens to re-use, repair and prevent waste in Central Europe by creating ‘Smart Re-use Parks’.
After three years, the project will close with a final conference with the theme: Re-Use as the Key Element of a Circular Economy in Central Europe and beyond.
The conference will be held online with two online sessions:
- 2 June 2020, 2 – 4 PM CET: “Giving Re-Use a Home – Smart Re-Use Parks”
- 4 June 2020, 2 – 4 PM CET: “Re-Use Activation Tools and Networking on European Level”.
Highlights include:
- The main results from the pilot actions of establishing ‘Smart Re-Use Parks’ in different Central European regions
- Good practices in the field of re-use from outside of the project
- Interactive exchange with international experts
- Understanding of how re-use supports the EU Circular Economy Action Plan and sustainable regional development
A ‘Smart Re-use Park’ brings various re-use, repair and waste prevention activities to the citizens and offers them alternatives to a consumption-focused lifestyle. It can be one place combining different initiatives such as repair cafes, re-use shops, workshops… or it can be a virtual connection among local initiatives such as an online platform.
Agenda and registration here
Contact: Jana Zurkova (