Re-use & Repair Online Study Tour for Municipalities and Public waste companies

15th October 2020 | Events


Re-use & Repair Online Study Tour for Municipalities and Public waste companies

Creating an inclusive circular economy at local level

Online Seminar & Video site visit

9 & 10 December 2020

9 December: Seminar (10:00 – 15:30 CET including a break)

10 December: Video site visit (10:00 – 15:30 CET including a break)

This is a paid event. Please consult the Agenda for details about registration fees.

Extending product lifetime through re-use has significant positive social and environmental impact. Moving forward, it should be the driving force of strategies enabling Europe to transition toward a circular economy. Re-use is a powerful catalyst to create local jobs and strengthen the local economy all the while preventing resource waste and pollution. When operated by social enterprises, these activities offer additional job and training opportunities for individuals of all skill levels and backgrounds, including the most vulnerable groups in our communities.

To help the sharing of good practices in this field, RREUSE is organising a study tour tailored for representatives of local, regional and national authorities, municipalities and public waste companies wishing to develop re-use activities in their territories using a social enterprise model.

As the legal profile of re-use and preparation of re-use improved significantly under the revised EU Waste Framework Directive, it is now time to mainstream re-use.  Municipalities and the public sector are key in bringing these activities to the attention of citizens and ensuring their communities are more resourceful, resilient and enjoyable places to live.

What participants will experience

  • Interactive video site visit of a re-use facility operated by a social enterprise responsible for collecting and treating household goods including textiles and electric and electronic appliances.
  • Online workshop on practical aspects of how public authorities can support re-use organisations and activities from a legal, economic and partnership perspective.
  • Putting a spotlight on the most pertinent aspects of re-use for the public sector including measuring re-use, separate textile collection, Extended Producer Responsibility, public procurement as well as supporting the development of social enterprise.
  • Opportunities for exchange directly with practitioners in the field of re-use and repair as well as municipalities from across Europe.
  • Learning in a small group to fully engage and profit from the tour.

RREUSE is grateful for the in-kind support of our partners:

Video site visit hosted by Cooperativa Sociale Insieme

Facilitation by Vlaanderen Circulair – Circular Flanders

Inspired by a previous study visit of Municipal Waste Europe

Practical information


  • The content of the event is primarily tailored for representatives of local, regional and national authorities, municipalities and public waste companies wishing to develop re-use activities in their territories using a social enterprise model. Please take that into account upon your registration.
  • In order to ensure diversity, a maximum of 2 participants from the same municipality or organisation can register.
  • The capacity is limited and we reserve the right to close registration once it’s fulfilled. Registrations will be treated on a first-come-first-serve basis.

Please note that this is a paid event:

Prices include: Both parts of the study tour (day one and day two), a complete hand-out with all presentations and data sheets of the visited installations and a certificate of participation.

Language: The event will be held in English.

Cancellation policy: Cancellation before 25 November 2020 – 60 % of the registration fee will be refunded; Cancellation after 25 November 2020 – No refund possible


Jana Zurkova | RREUSE | Network Development & Innovation Manager |