Reaction to the EU Parliament’s Public Procurement report

by | Mar 26, 2025 | News

The Network for Sustainable Development in Public Procurement – of which RREUSE is a member – thanks the MEPs involved in the recently published own-initiative report (INI) on Public Procurement and welcomes the central role that public procurement is assuming in the current legislature.
We welcome the recognition of the need to move beyond the lowest-price criterion, which, as highlighted by the European Court of Auditors in its 2023 report, remains overused, limiting the strategic potential of public procurement, one of the key objectives of the 2014 revision. We also appreciate the focus on improving SME access to public contracts, another key goal of the 2014 reform, which introduced provisions for division into lots. This approach can enhance SME participation and, by broadening the supplier base, increase competition.
However, the Network regrets the complete absence of social and environmental considerations. The revision of the Public Procurement Directives presents a crucial opportunity to ensure that public funds are spent wisely:
  • Supporting fair wages
  •  Enhancing decent working conditions
  •  Promoting environmentally responsible practices throughout supply chains
Failing to address these aspects risks missing a key leverage point for driving systemic change toward a more sustainable and equitable economy.
Earlier this year, the Network sent a letter to the MEPs of the European Parliament working on procurement to provide recommendations for sustainability, social justice, and transparency in the upcoming revision of public procurement directives.