Revision of the Monitoring Framework for the Circular Economy
RREUSE calls for a more comprehensive monitoring framework for the circular economy (MFCE). While the environmental, economic and social benefits of re-use are well documented, re-use is inexplicably not covered in the MFCE adopted in 2018. Hence, the revision of the MFCE is a much-needed opportunity to include re-use and preparation for re-use indicators, in line with the waste hierarchy and following the Commission Implementing Decision laying down a common methodology and a format for reporting on re-use.
Lack of data for a specific activity or area should not be a reason for exclusion. RREUSE calls upon the Commission to fill data gaps instead. Networks of re-use operators can make a precious contribution in providing high-quality and reliable data. However, it must be noted that public support and funding are necessary to develop fit-for-purpose data collection systems – monitoring cannot become a financial and administrative burden for social enterprises active in the sector.
RREUSE also calls to assess the outputs and benefits of the circular economy, including both socioeconomic and environmental impacts. For instance, monitoring job creation will be essential to evaluate the inclusiveness of the transition to a circular economy. Calculating the impact of the circular economy on carbon emissions is also key.
The European Commission should also consider mapping the re-use sector at a European level, which would help inform policies, indicators, and future targets. Re-use operators are highly diverse in nature, legal status, and operations. Finally, this document also highlights the need to develop better monitoring systems for social and circular procurement and consumer behaviour.