RREUSE Activity Report 2021
Transforming the production-based linear economy into a circular value preservation economy.
The fast-paced reality of the post-COVID world revealed some undeniable truths for our sector:
“ We are facing the challenge of transforming the production-based linear economy into a circular value preservation economy. ”

This requires the rapid and radical transformation of the growth-driven global industrial mass production of new goods towards a local and regional value preservation and redistribution of existing goods, based on human labour and globally shared digitalized information exchange. But: Without a more socially just distribution of income, participation and wealth, this transformation will probably not be accepted by the people.
RREUSE has contributed important impulses on the European level to push this transformation and will even more do so in the future. The vision that we share with so many other NGOs and individuals, and only recently also with EU institutions is a good life for all and a global well-being economy, as laid out in the 8th Environment Action Programme (EAP).