RREUSE agrees partnership with European Commission’s DG Employment, Social Affairs, and Inclusion for the second time!

RREUSE is delighted to announce the signing of a four-year framework partnership with the European Commission’s Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (DG EMPL), for the second time. The renewed relationship, valid from 2022 to 2025), with the European Commission will help boost RREUSE’s mission of promoting an appropriate policy framework that supports the role of social enterprises in the social and circular economy.
The partnership, funded under the EU Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI), will enable RREUSE to continue supporting the European Commission for the development of a modern, innovative and sustainable European social model with more and better green jobs in an inclusive society based on equal opportunities.
This will include emphasising the role of social enterprises involved in reuse, repair, and recycling, in providing job opportunities that are mindful of the environment, in upskilling and reskilling workers, and in highlighting examples of impactful business models that link the social economy objectives with the ones of the circular economy.
RREUSE is looking forward to continuing its partnership with DG EMPL and closely working with the European Commission to sustain and upscale the work of social enterprises and the impact they have in fulfilling social and environmental objectives.