RREUSE Feedback for the Call for Evidence: 2023 European Year of Skills

RREUSE greatly welcomes the Commission’s proposal for the 2023 European Year of Skills which also acknowledges the social economy’s decisive role as a proponent of a socially fair and inclusive twin transition including in the field of upskilling and reskilling.
Social enterprises active in re-use, preparation for re-use, and recycling activities such as those of the RREUSE network are historical contributors to key circular activities, providing training and employment opportunities to underprivileged individuals with a low skills baseline. These opportunities allow for acquiring valuable manual skills crucial for an inclusive green transition, some of which are now in scarcity. These include identification, first quality checks, sorting when receiving goods, and dismantling, repairing, and functionality checks during the restoration process. Equally, social enterprises are also active in the digital transition. RREUSE highlights its members promote innovative digital tools in e-commerce, traceability and reporting software. Finally, a key component of work integration programmes and training at social enterprises is to improve psychosocial skills like self-motivation, problem-solving, and teamwork. Such skills are not only necessary for future job prospects but form the basis to develop well-being and facilitate lifelong learning.