RREUSE feedback on Empowering the consumer for the green transition

9th September 2020 | Publications

RREUSE welcomes the release of the inception impact assessment “Empowering the consumer for the green transition”. Tackling greenwashing and premature obsolescence is essential to improve the quality of products placed on the EU market and, in the long run, of second-hand products too. This is also highly anticipated by consumers who, in the aftermath of Covid-19, wish to possess durable and repairable goods on which they can rely in times of crisis.

However, RREUSE underscores that access to information will not be enough to tackle overconsumption. Tools to simply remove unsustainable products from the EU market will also have to be developed. This will hopefully take place through the “Legislative proposal for a sustainable product policy initiative” also suggested by the Circular Economy Action Plan.

Some recommendations on how to empower consumers, as well as independent repairers, refurbishers, second-hand operators and repair cafés:

  • Easy access to information
  • Implementation of legal and commercial warranties
  • Tackling planned obsolescence and improving repairability of products

Download the full publication here (PDF)

Picture Credit © Andrea Piacquadio, Pexels