RREUSE is pleased to announce that it has been selected to join an expert group on social economy and social enterprises lead by DG GROW and DG EMPL which will run for a six year period. The group is a successor of the Commission’s Expert Group on Social Entrepreneurship (GECES) set up as part of the actions of the Social Business Initiative launched by the Commission in 2011. This is the latest high level forum of which RREUSE is a member including the Commission’s expert group on Raw Materials as well as the Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform Coordination Group.
As a representative of social enterprises active in re-use, repair and recycling RREUSE will endeavour to bring valuable contributions and expertise to the group, especially as one of the tasks of the group is to provide the Commission with advice in view of elaborating and implementing policy measures in order to strengthen social economy and social enterprises ecosystem in Member States and in the international arena.
RREUSE will be represented by its Social affairs Policy officer Nina Monjean and if you have any questions regarding RREUSE’s participation in the group, you can contact her at nina.monjean@rreuse.org.
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