RREUSE’s answer to the call for evidence on the evaluation of the WEEE directive

by | Nov 4, 2022 | Publications

E-waste is a unique waste stream because it contains both precious materials and hazardous substances, creating a concrete threat of environmental degradation if illegal actors motivated by the prospect of high profits engage in improper disposal. Moreover, WEEE contains significant quantities of critical raw materials which are fundamental for the EU’s ambitions regarding decarbonisation, digitalisation and strategic autonomy. The WEEE Directive is a key instrument to achieve these goals and RREUSE welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback on its implementation, suggesting that a future revision should focus on strengthening implementation and ensuring a closer alignment with the waste hierarchy in order to achieve higher environmental, social and economic benefits. Moreover, increasing reuse and preparation for re-use of WEEE would also result in significant climate benefits by preventing emissions associated with production and the extraction of raw materials.