RREUSE’s Feedback on Strengthening Social Dialogue in the EU

As the international network of reuse, repairing and recycling social enterprises promoting the social and circular economies, the RREUSE network has a long tradition of contributing to the implementation of the principles of the Pillar, including the following:
• Education, training, and lifelong learning (1),
• Equal opportunities (3),
• Active support to employment (4),
• Inclusion of People with Disabilities (17).
Additionally, circular social enterprises and other social economy actors are central actors in the proximity economy, contributing to local green job creation and strengthening social cohesion in the communities where they reside. In this regard, the national networks of social enterprises play a crucial role to ensure social dialogue with national administrations, making sure they are aware of key features and challenges of local actors and that national policy frameworks are adapted to their needs. RREUSE welcomes the upcoming initiative for a well-functioning Pillar. However, social dialogue at the European level is stronger if the one at the national level is first properly supported.