SUBTRACT: New Interreg Project

17th October 2019 News, Press Releases

RREUSE collaborates with six international partners on re-use. From the 7-10 October, partners from seven European countries, Italy, Austria, Belgium, Finland, Italy, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden, discussed the future of re-use in Europe at the headquarters of AURI, the Umbrian Waste and Water Authority in Perugia, Italy. Representatives from regional governments like Styria and Catalonia, waste authorities such as Vakin from Sweden, managers and experts of re-use centres were amongst those in attendance. Re-use, the backbone of the circular economy, requires technical skills to intercept goods that are still in good condition before they end up in the separate waste collection or worse, in landfills. Such centres, often run by social enterprises, require management to ensure re-use centres functionality and appeal, and economic skills to balance accounts and offer stable jobs for persons previously distant from the labour market. The project will address all these aspects though exchanges of experience, study visits, elaboration of guidelines.

Please find the full press release here (PDF)