by Jana Zurkova | Jul 15, 2020 | Publications
RREUSE represents social enterprises working in environmental services with over 30 European members and one from the USA. RREUSE welcomes the opportunity to give feedback on the renewed sustainable finance strategy, initiated in April 2020 and extended till July...
by Jana Zurkova | Feb 21, 2019 | Position Papers
55 % of procurement procedures still use the lowest price as the only award criterion [1], without considering any potential added social or environmental value they could support through making purchase choices between competing products or services. With public...
by Jana Zurkova | Sep 18, 2018 | Events
3 – 5 October 2018 Nijmegen, Netherlands RREUSE will be facilitating a workshop on supporting social enterprises through public procurement at the international conference gathering experts on on sustainable, circular and innovative procurement ECOPROCURA...
by Dudley Curtis | Jun 30, 2015 | Publications
Thousands of social enterprises across Europe have been active in the sector for many years, providing job and training opportunities for disadvantaged workers and giving them a fresh start on the labour market. RREUSE believes that the role of social enterprises in...