The team

Neva Nahtigal

Neva Nahtigal


Jana Zurkova

Jana Zurkova

Deputy Director (On Sabbatical)

Sandrine De Fru

Sandrine De Fru

Finance & HR manager

Emma Kavanagh

Emma Kavanagh

Network Development & Innovation Manager

Charlotte Chng

Charlotte Chng

Network Development & Research officer

Marie-Jeanne Gaertner

Marie-Jeanne Gaertner

Environmental Policy Lead

Florence le Levreur

Florence le Levreur

Communications & Events Officer

Simone Schirru

Simone Schirru

Social & Economic Policy Lead

Board of directors

Following a very successful term for the Board of RREUSE, the Network re-elected all Board members and elected two new Board members during the RREUSE General Assembly which took place on the 18th of April 2024.

Matthias Neitsch, Re-Use, Austria

Matthias Neitsch, Re-Use, Austria


Matthias is the President of RREUSE and the Managing Director of Re-Use Austria, the Austrian NGO for social economy re-use enterprises and re-use- and repair networks and of VABÖ, the Austrian Federation of Municipal Environment & Waste Advisors. His main activity is to promote the implementation of regional reuse & repair networks with focus on social and solidarity economy, networking and lobbying for re-use, repair and other aspects relating to a sustainable lifestyle. Matthias has been a member  of the RREUSE Board for over a decade and was unanimously elected President of RREUSE in 2020.

Antigone Dalamaga, Ecorec, Greece

Antigone Dalamaga, Ecorec, Greece

Honorary President & Vice President

Antigone is the director of the Ecological Recycling Society, a national NGO in Greece, promoting waste prevention, re-use and recycling. She has over 20 years of experience in the field of sustainable waste management at the local, national and international levels, and how this links to job creation. Antigone has been a board member of RREUSE since 2004 and was RREUSE President from 2013 till 2020. Antigone is now Honorary President and acting Vice-President of RREUSE.

Carmen Aja Ruiz, AERESS, Spain

Carmen Aja Ruiz, AERESS, Spain

Vice President

Carmen is AERESS technical director.  AERESS is the Spanish network for social and solidarity economy enterprises active in re-use and recycling. Their activities aim at social transformation and work integration of people at risk of social exclusion.

Her background includes law, conflict resolution, gender studies and collaborative law.

Giorgio Rosso, Rete 14 luglio, Italy

Giorgio Rosso, Rete 14 luglio, Italy


Giorgio studied agriculture and has been working  with the social cooperative La Città Verde since 1992. La Città Verde works to improve access to the labour market for disadvantaged populations through two main business assets: waste management and green maintenance.

Giorgio is President of ecoBI, a regional consortium of social cooperatives active in public procurement and environmental services. He is a member of the RREUSE Board, acting as representative of Association Orius. Giorgio and his “fellow green- social workers” strongly believe we can secure a better future by working together to save the environment through sustainable lifestyle and by integrating people in fair working conditions.

Ivan Božić, Humana Nova, Croatia

Ivan Božić, Humana Nova, Croatia


Ivan is the Cooperative Manager at Humana Nova Čakovec, which is the Croatian leader in the field of reuse and recycling of textile and old clothing. He graduated in 1997 from the Faculty of Economics in Zagreb and now has over 20 years of experience. Ivan mostly worked in the textile industry, and for the past 8 years, he has has mainly been dealing with social entrepreneurship.

In 2016, Ivan won the “Pride of Croatia” award due to his help in the field of employing people with disabilities.

Ivan’s hobbies include music (Radiohead), basketball and traveling.

Margriet Jongerius, BKN, The Netherlands

Margriet Jongerius, BKN, The Netherlands

Since 2020, Margriet is chairman of the board of the Trade Association Recycling Companies: BKN. Margriet specialises in leading and advising organisations for vulnerable individuals distanced from the labour market.

Founded in 1994 by secondhand shops, BKN’s mission is to support its members in representing their interests and facilitating the exchange of knowledge and information.

To help their members professionalise, BKN created a quality label called ‘100%Kringloop’. This quality label or certificate is important when interacting with governments and administrations, in particular when dealing with public tenders.

Michael Cook, Circular Communities Scotland, UK

Michael Cook, Circular Communities Scotland, UK

Michael joined CCS as CEO in September 2018 and he is passionate about leading CCS to support and represent the community resources sector in Scotland. Building on his background in change management he is also keen to ensure CCS strengthens over time and grows in effectiveness. He loves the outdoors and hobbies include Munro bagging, wildlife photography and bird watching.
Nesrine Dani, ENVIE, France

Nesrine Dani, ENVIE, France

After graduating in engineering in 2008, Nesrine decided to pursue studies in Sustainability management at HEC for a year. For four years, she worked within big companies to build and implement their Corporate Social Responsibility.

Since 2014, Nesrine joined the nonprofit sector working for Les Ateliers du Bocage, Adie and Envie. Nesrine is currently New projects Director for Fédération Envie, a French umbrella organisation created in 1984 and gathering 50 members dedicated to social reintegration through circular economy activities.

Jean-Marc Caudron, RESSOURCES, Belgium

Jean-Marc Caudron, RESSOURCES, Belgium

Jean-Marc is the Director of RESSOURCES, the Belgian Federation of Social and Circular Enterprises in the sector of re-use of goods and materials. A sociologist by training, Jean-Marc also completed a master’s degree in management. Before joining RESSOURCES in early 2019, he worked for 15 years in the international solidarity sector. After 5 years working at Oxfam-World Shops, he then took up various positions with achACT/clean Clothes Campaign, a platform of organisations aiming to respect the rights of workers in the globalised clothing industry.

Harri Niukkannen, Tramel Oy, Finland

Harri Niukkannen, Tramel Oy, Finland

Harri was born in 1971 in the legendary town of Nokia. He studied Political Science at Jyväskylä University and then pursued a Master’s degree in leadership and management studies at Helsinki University of Technology. Following this, Harri spent a few years conducting academic research in regional economics and development.

One of Harri’s interesting personal highlights was during the 90’s: he was teaching English in Bratislava (Slovakia) and Finnish for Asylum seekers in Lappland, Finland.

For the last 20+ years, Harri has been working in the field of re-use, recycling, employment, social enterprise and other scrap/secondary material businesses.

Chris Mooney-Brown, CRNI, Ireland

Chris Mooney-Brown, CRNI, Ireland

Chris has worked in the charity sector for over 25 years, primarily in the Welsh arts scene. During this time he led the visual arts organisation g39 in Cardiff which espoused the circular economy in many of its practices. Under his leadership the arts charity made highly effective company-wide efforts to becoming a zero-waste venue, and he also developed a business proposal to introduce a Library of Things at g39 to enhance its commitment to the local community and the sharing economy.

Chris is now Executive Director for CRNI, Ireland’s representative member network for social enterprises and community-centred organisations working in the reuse and repair sector.

Thomas Ahlmann, FairWertung, Germany

Thomas Ahlmann, FairWertung, Germany

Thomas is the managing director of the umbrella organisation FairWertung e.V., the German network of social economy reuse companies and used textile collectors.

FairWertung aims to bring more transparency to the collection, recovery and recycling of used textiles. FairWertung sees itself as a driver of a textile circular economy and a more sustainable textile economy.

Thomas’ main activity is the promotion of textile clothing donations, local reuse cycles and the representation of the interests of non-profit clothing collectors.

Eva Verraes, HERW!N, Belgium

Eva Verraes, HERW!N, Belgium

Eva Verraes likes to put things into motion. As director of HERW!N, she has been representing, strengthening and connecting the 100 members in the collective of social circular entrepreneurs for more than 13 years.

Because what if entrepreneurs can change the world? What if together we can tilt towards a socially just society that’s mindful of the planet’s limits? From making, using and discarding to sharing, reusing and processing goods. A circular economy with one common vision: creating jobs for people who are struggling. That is our mission, reclaiming work, materials and encounters.

Eve Poulteau, Emmaüs Europe

Eve Poulteau, Emmaüs Europe

Eve is the Chief Executive of Emmaus Europe, a network of social organisations that uses reuse activities as a revenue source to support its action to fight homelessness and poverty. Founded in France in 1949, Emmaus is now present in 20 countries.

Eve is a big fan of Europe and will never forget the 2 years she spent in Lithuania just before they joined the European Union. She also found many ways to act for a more ecological and social society by working in the French parliament and in international NGOs as well as in local municipalities.