RREUSE is an international network representing social enterprises active in re-use, repair and recycling.
Since 2001, RREUSE had been supporting the development of social enterprises active in the circular economy.
Specialising in the field of re-use, repair, and recycling, the members of the RREUSE network provide local and inclusive employment as well as a strong sense of belonging for the most vulnerable in our societies.

Become a member
What we stand for

Circular Economy
Re-using, repairing, recycling, refurbishing, repurposing, …

Developing and maintaining strong partnerships

Adapting to crises and withstanding adversity

Social Inclusion
Leaving no-one behind

Inspiring new connections and triggering new ideas
Latest news
Reaction to the EU Parliament’s Public Procurement report
The Network for Sustainable Development in Public Procurement - of which RREUSE is a member - thanks the MEPs involved in the recently published own-initiative report (INI) on Public Procurement and welcomes the central role that public procurement is assuming in the...
Revised Waste Framework Directive marks a turning point in the recognition of circular social enterprises
As EU co-legislators have reached an agreement on the targeted revision of the Waste Framework Directive (WFD), RREUSE celebrates the recognition of social enterprises’ role in the management of used and waste textiles through different provisions that will be...
Time for ambition: The EU needs a strong Social Fund to live up to its commitments
The European Social Fund+ has played a crucial role in supporting the social economy, local communities, and social services. It has created jobs, provided essential training, driven reforms for social inclusion, and addressed the urgent needs of individuals...
Upcoming events
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