Answer to the Public Consultation on ecodesign and energy labelling of computers

The Ecodesign and Energy Labelling delegated acts for computers establish stringent energy efficiency and circularity requirements that apply to all computers placed on the EU market. RREUSE provided input to a public consultation, jointly with Right to Repair Europe and ECOS, proposing concrete measures to enhance the sustainability and longevity of these products by ensuring that they are designed with ambitious durability and reparability in mind. 
Among other concrete suggestions, RREUSE expects that the revised delegated acts for computers will:
  • Implement repairability and recyclability requirements, including (but not limited to) ensuring easy access to key components (such as batteries), making spare parts available for a minimum period and at an affordable price, a clear and relevant repair score, identifying and limiting the presence of hazardous substances, and making the presence of data deletion tools a rule;
  • Investigate durability requirements, notably enhanced upgradability, mandatory software update availability, improved performance of key components, and resistance to shocks, liquid spills, etc.
  • More up-to-date regulations that truly challenge these expanding and fast-changing products through bold and swiftly updated energy efficiency requirements;
  • Introduce an Energy Label for fixed and mobile computers so that consumers can make more informed decisions;
  • Develop methods for testing computers in their real active mode, and not only in ‘idle’ modes (which are no longer good proxies for real-life performance).