RREUSE’s response to the Commission’s consultation based on the Staff Working Document “Scenarios towards co-creation of a transition pathway for a more resilient, sustainable and digital textiles ecosystem”.

RREUSE’s response to the Commission’s consultation based on the Staff Working Document “Scenarios towards co-creation of a transition pathway for a more resilient, sustainable and digital textiles ecosystem”.

Aiming at accelerating the green and digital transitions of the EU industry, the European Commission has prepared a Staff Working Document to outline possible scenarios for a transition pathway for a more resilient, sustainable, and digital textiles ecosystem. RREUSE reflected on the issues and possible output scenarios for 2030 that were presented in the Staff Working Document, and put together the response below.

Research study on developing re-use networks in Europe

Research study on developing re-use networks in Europe

RREUSE is delighted to announce the publication of the “Research study on developing re-use networks in Europe”, which aims to analyse networks of social economy re-use operators in Europe. RREUSE was selected by Kierrätyskeskus to conduct the study and draft the report in the framework of CIRCWASTE, a seven-year LIFE project aiming to promote the circular economy in Finland.