Stitching Together a Social and Circular Future for Textiles

Stitching Together a Social and Circular Future for Textiles

RREUSE network recently gathered in Berlin for the “Stitching together a Social and Circular future for Textiles” conference that brought together leading experts, social entrepreneurs, policymakers, and social enterprise leaders. Together, we imagined a world where fashion is not just a means of self-expression but a force for positive change. 

A watershed moment for social enterprises in the textiles sector

A watershed moment for social enterprises in the textiles sector

RREUSE welcomes the proposed text of the revision of the Waste Framework Directive as a major milestone in recognising the pivotal role of social enterprises active in re-use. The text published by the European Commission on 5 July rightfully acknowledges these social enterprises as historical and key actors for the circular transition of the textile sector.

RREUSE’s feedback on the 2040 EU Climate Target

RREUSE’s feedback on the 2040 EU Climate Target

With the opportunity to provide feedback on this consultation, RREUSE supports the establishment of an intermediate climate target for 2040 under EU law, highlighting the role of the circular economy in achieving climate goals while guaranteeing a just transition for all and creating economic opportunities.

RREUSE reacts: The European Commission calls on Member States for better policies for social enterprises in the circular economy

RREUSE reacts: The European Commission calls on Member States for better policies for social enterprises in the circular economy

RREUSE welcomes the European Commission (EC) ’s proposal for a Council Recommendation on developing social economy framework conditions published June 13th, a flagship initiative of the Action Plan on the Social Economy (SEAP) aimed at encouraging EU Member States to create better-enabling environments for social enterprises and all social economy actors across pertinent policy areas.