by RREUSE | Jul 18, 2022 | Publications
While most Member States address circular policies to foster the green transition within their recovery and resilience plans, still too many fall short of designing holistic environmental measures with a strong social component. Within a current context of economic uncertainty and multiple global crises, besides the necessity of a green transition that is both fair and inclusive, RREUSE emphasises the importance of an economic and environmental agenda characterised by strong social and circular economy principles.
by RREUSE | Jul 15, 2022 | Publications
The take, make, use, and dispose economy is fuelling the climate emergency. Re-use and preparation for re-use contribute to climate change mitigation by preventing resource depletion, diverting products and materials from landfills and incineration (therefore preventing associated emissions), and reducing energy demand.
by RREUSE | Jul 1, 2022 | Publications
RREUSE calls for a more comprehensive monitoring framework for the circular economy (MFCE). While the environmental, economic and social benefits of re-use are well documented, re-use is inexplicably not covered in the MFCE adopted in 2018. Hence, the revision of the MFCE is a much-needed opportunity to include re-use and preparation for re-use indicators, in line with the waste hierarchy and following the Commission Implementing Decision laying down a common methodology and a format for reporting on re-use.
by RREUSE | Jun 27, 2022 | News
On May 23, the European Commission released the 2022 Spring Package. It is a crucial stage within the European Semester process, which aims to provide Member States with recommendations and guidance in driving national reforms to achieve common EU objectives, among which, an inclusive green transition.
by RREUSE | Jun 21, 2022 | Publications
RREUSE welcomes the revision of the Ecodesign Directive through the Sustainable Products Initiative (SPI) as a major opportunity to enhance product sustainability and to pave the way for a transition towards sustainability within European markets.