This joint position co-signed by 12 environmental NGOs and representatives of waste treatment operators calls for setting new European legal requirements to improve collection, logistics and preparation for re-use of e-waste and electronic equipment (WEEE). A revision...
RREUSE Feedback on EU Strategy for Sustainable Textiles Roadmap
On 5 January 2021, the European Commission published its roadmap on an EU Strategy for Sustainable Textiles. With over half of RREUSE’s 27 members working with used textiles, garment, leather and footwear (TGLF) and collectively managing 257 000 tonnes across Europe...
RREUSE comments on the European Semester 2020
Introduced in 2010, the European Semester is a multi-annual exchange between the European Commission and Member States, providing a structure to coordinate macroeconomic policies across the EU. The goal of the European Semester is to ensure macroeconomic stability and...
Joint statement on the European Council Conclusions on public procurement of 25 November 2020
Getting the most out of public money in support of Europe’s recovery As representatives of social, environmental, business and trade union organisations, we welcome last week’s Conclusions from the European Council on how efficient public procurement rules and...
Extended Producer Responsibility and the role of social economy re-use operators: Implementing a socially inclusive waste hierarchy
Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is a tool placing responsibility on producers, importers and retailers to financially and/or physically manage the post-consumer phase of certain goods. EPR aims to prevent the unnecessary production of waste, manufacture better...
Social enterprises to help put new EU Circular Economy Plan into action
On 11 March 2020, the European Commission published one of the main pillars of its Green Deal: the new Circular Economy Action Plan (CEAP). Within days of publication, the COVID-19 pandemic triggered an unprecedented health, economic and societal challenge. The crisis...
RREUSE feedback on Empowering the consumer for the green transition
RREUSE welcomes the release of the inception impact assessment “Empowering the consumer for the green transition”. Tackling greenwashing and premature obsolescence is essential to improve the quality of products placed on the EU market and, in the long run, of...
RREUSE responds to the new European Digital Education Action Plan
Learning from the COVID-19 crisis: teaching, learning and technology in a changing world was the theme of the public consultation which gathered the views and experiences of all citizens, following the unprecedented coronavirus crisis, the related...
Activity Report and Impact Infographic 2019
RREUSE’s mission is to ensure that policies, innovative partnerships and exchange of best practices promote and develop the role of social enterprise in the circular economy. Read more about our network and the policy work, campaigns, events and projects we undertook...
RREUSE input to the public consultation on the development of the renewed sustainable finance strategy
RREUSE represents social enterprises working in environmental services with over 30 European members and one from the USA. RREUSE welcomes the opportunity to give feedback on the renewed sustainable finance strategy, initiated in April 2020 and extended till July...
Ensuring the EU Renovation Wave is Social and Circular
RREUSE is pleased to provide comments to the ongoing consultation on the EU Renovation Wave Initiative. There exists significant opportunities for environmental improvement and job creation linked to this initiative which must be tied directly to EU social and...
Product Life Extension as a cornerstone of future Strategic Implementation Plan (SIP) on Raw Materials 2021-2027
The EU’s New Industrial Strategy calls for a shift from linear production to a circular economy. From 1970 to 2017, the annual global extraction of materials grew from 27 billion tons to 92 billion tonnes, while the annual average material demand grew from 7 - 12 tons...