Position Papers
Joint Position paper on the Revision of the Directive on Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)

Joint Position paper on the Revision of the Directive on Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)

The demand for Electrical and Electronic Equipment devices is on the rise. However, this demand is depleting valuable resources while leading to high energy consumption. The current Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive (WEEE Directive) is no longer fit for purpose. Along with other environmental organisations in Europe, RREUSE has produced a joint position paper with ten recommendations to revise, expand and update the existing Directive and alleviate these issues.

How Inclusive Skills Can Boost the Circular Economy: Recommendations from Social Enterprises

How Inclusive Skills Can Boost the Circular Economy: Recommendations from Social Enterprises

RREUSE has published a new Position Paper highlighting data on skills from its network and policy recommendations for the 2023 European Year of Skills. Social enterprises carry a long tradition of providing inclusive circular upskilling and reskilling to vulnerable groups. They foster manual circular skills necessary for a circular economy, social cohesion and job creation.

How to reduce our dependency on critical raw materials by stimulating circularity

How to reduce our dependency on critical raw materials by stimulating circularity

RREUSE, ECOS, and Deutsche Umwelthilfe produced a joint position paper on a reducing our dependency on Critical Raw Materials, which was submitted as answer to the consultation following the publication of the Regulation. Critical raw materials are used in a growing array of products, including renewable energy technologies, electronic and electrical equipment, and batteries for electric vehicles.

RREUSE Position Paper on the Revised VAT Directive

RREUSE Position Paper on the Revised VAT Directive

RREUSE believes that Member States should make use of the current window of opportunity for updating Value Added Tax (VAT) rules to create a better taxation framework for social enterprises active in the circular economy. Reduced VAT rates and exemptions on the basis of social and environmental activities are an essential instrument to acknowledge social enterprises’ large contribution to fostering work integration opportunities, green skilling, and the objectives of a circular economy, in line with the EU Social Economy and Circular Economy Action Plans.

RREUSE comments on the European Semester 2020

RREUSE comments on the European Semester 2020

Introduced in 2010, the European Semester is a multi-annual exchange between the European Commission and Member States, providing a structure to coordinate macroeconomic policies across the EU. The goal of the European Semester is to ensure macroeconomic stability and...