RREUSE’s Briefing on the Construction and Demolition sector

RREUSE’s Briefing on the Construction and Demolition sector

The construction and demolition sector is one of the most material-intensive industries and one of the largest contributors to waste production in the EU. In fact, it has become the largest waste stream in Europe, accounting for more than a third of all waste generated. To increase circularity in the sector while creating social employment, some social enterprises from the RREUSE network have been active in the re-use of building components. This briefing outlines the importance of these activities carried out by social enterprises.

RREUSE feedback on the consultation for New Product Priorities for Ecodesign for Sustainable Products

RREUSE feedback on the consultation for New Product Priorities for Ecodesign for Sustainable Products

RREUSE welcomes the possibility to give feedback on new product priorities under the upcoming Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation. As an organisation that promotes the reuse and repair of products, we believe that mandatory eco-design requirements can play a key role in reducing waste and minimizing the environmental impact of products throughout their life cycle, while also creating major savings for European households.

The Re-use Revolution: How Social Enterprises are leading the way

The Re-use Revolution: How Social Enterprises are leading the way

The first-ever International Day of Zero Waste, held on March 30, 2023, brought attention to the need for sustainable consumption patterns and highlighted the work of social economy enterprises in re-use, repair, and recycling. Re-use, rather than recycling, can often be the better environmental solution, saving materials, energy, money, and time.

RREUSE joins WEAll!

RREUSE joins WEAll!

RREUSE is excited to announce its membership to WEAll! The Wellbeing Economy Alliance (WEAll) is the leading collaboration of organisations, alliances, movements and individuals working towards a Wellbeing Economy, delivering human and ecological wellbeing.