Today, the European Parliament’s environment committee backed several changes to the EU Waste Framework Directive which would support re-use and repair as well as social enterprise active in this field. These changes are based on European Commission proposals to amend...
Discussion and book signing with Sepp Eisenriegler: How consumerism fools us and how to fight back
Librebook│Chaussée de Wavre 128│Brussels On 18 January RREUSE organised a discussion with Sepp Eisenriegler, a passionate fighter against the throwaway culture and the founder of the Repair and Service Centre Vienna (R.U.S.Z), a social enterprise. RREUSE was delighted...
New tool shows CO2 emissions saved through re-use
How big an impact does it make if you keep a product in use rather than throwing it away? A new online calculator available in English and developed by the Spanish re-use network of social enterprises Aeress helps answer this question. The English version of the...
Social enterprises in Austria launch project to help re-use construction materials
Following the introduction of new regulations in Austria to promote re-use of construction and demolition materials, the Austrian social enterprise sector umbrella Repanet has launched project Baukarussell, a pilot initiative to help develop a market for the goods....
MEPs back social enterprise role in waste management
The European Parliament's Industry committee has backed several changes to the proposed Circular Economy Package which could boost re-use and repair and enhance the role of social economy actors involved in activities covered under the EU’s Waste Framework Directive....
Irish re-use and recycling social enterprise
In mid-October the RREUSE network met in Dublin hosted by the Community Reuse Network Ireland (CRNI). RREUSE members from nine European countries and the USA dedicated three days to getting to know the Irish re-use scene through participating in a conference on Making...
Repair truck ‘Tour de France’
In October Envie France, a nation-wide federation of regional and local social enterprises active in re-use and repair of electronics, organised an awareness raising campaign on repair by sending a repair truck to eight French cities. The aim of the project was to...
Commission report proposes measures for longer-lasting washing machines and dishwashers
The Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) has published a draft report highlighting policy recommendations for improving the durability, reusability and reparability of washing machines and dishwashers. Once finalised, the findings will be used to inform future...
EPR Club: How to support re-use and preparing for re-use through EPR
Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is being promoted as a key market-based instrument to help implement EU waste legislation, including full application of the waste hierarchy. However, aside from a handful of cases, EPR has seldom been used as a tool to promote...
New Yorkers can donate easier thanks to an online platform
An online database and a mobile app were launched by the New York City’s Department of Sanitation (DSNY) to help citizens localise the nearest place to donate all kinds of reusable items or shop second-hand. The platform makes it as convenient as never before for New...
QualiProSH Electro – Invitation to the Expert Meeting
15.07.2016 - Rendsburg The Erasmus+-Projekt „QualiProSH Electro“ The ERASMUS+ project „QualiProSH Electro“, which is carried out by six partner institutions from five European countries (Germany, Austria, Finland, Slovenia and Bulgaria) focuses on the (further-)...
The Dutch re-use flagships at anchor around Amsterdam
At the end of June RREUSE held a members' meeting in Amsterdam attended by representatives from eleven member organisations and nine European countries. The meeting, hosted by bKN, a Dutch network of re-use social enterprises, provided a forum for discussion about...