Press Releases
A Breakthrough in European Right-to-Repair Legislation

A Breakthrough in European Right-to-Repair Legislation

The political agreement on new rules aimed at fostering the repair and re-use of products represents a significant stride toward making repair and refurbishment more affordable, accessible and appealing for all European consumers. As an active participant in the Right to Repair Europe Campaign, RREUSE welcomes this pivotal development.

A big step toward making sustainable products the norm

A big step toward making sustainable products the norm

RREUSE has been closely following the development of the Ecodesign for Sustainable Product Regulation, and we welcome the outcome of today’s vote in the European Parliament. Regrettably, the EP did not take the opportunity to include the social dimension of sustainability in the regulation, but on many other aspects the text is a major step forward in making access to sustainable products the norm across the EU.

Call to Action | Just Transition: A New Social Contract for the Wellbeing of People and the Planet

Call to Action | Just Transition: A New Social Contract for the Wellbeing of People and the Planet

RREUSE joined forces with many other organisations to release a Call to Action for the Just Transition. The organisations call on European Ministers for Environment and Energy, as well as other EU and national level decisionmakers, to complement the implementation of urgently needed, ambitious environmental and climate policies with robust social policies that protect marginalised people primarily and the regions suffering disproportionately from the transition, whilst guaranteeing access to high-quality essential services for all. They call on them to show bold and forward-thinking political leadership by prioritising the promotion of climate action and social justice as one coherent and mutually reinforcing agenda.