RREUSE at the international forum on public procurement ECOPROCURA 2018
3 - 5 October 2018 Nijmegen, Netherlands RREUSE will be facilitating a workshop on supporting social enterprises through public procurement at the international conference gathering experts on on sustainable, circular and innovative procurement ECOPROCURA 2018....
More jobs, less waste: RREUSE reaction to Juncker’s State of the Union 2018
Today, on 12 September 2018, Jean-Claude Juncker, the president of the European Commission delivered his speech on the State of the Union. RREUSE welcomes the Commission’s efforts to contribute to job creation and deliver not only promises but also results....
World-famous festival to stop mountains of re-usable camping gear being thrown away
One of the world’s largest music festivals, Tomorrowland, joined forces with a social enterprise in a fight against wasting tonnes of camping equipment left behind by revellers. Tomorrowland attracts 400, 000 enthusiastic festival goers and hosts around 38 000 people...
Developing partnerships for WEEE prevention and preparing for re-use
ReWEEE Workshop: Developing partnerships for WEEE prevention and preparing for re-use 24 & 25 September 2018 Ljubljana, Slovenia Download the agenda here RREUSE is delighted to invite you to a workshop organised in the framework of the ReWEEE...
Call for proposals: Study on the Social Benefits of Social Enterprises active in re-use, repair and recycling
Call for proposals Research Proposal: Exploring the Wider Social Benefits of Social Enterprises active in re-use, repair and recycling Description of the work RREUSE is pleased to be searching for a consultancy to carry out a study on “the wider social benefits...
Management of used cooking oils and food waste in Greece
BIOHEC LIFE Workshop: Management of used cooking oils and food waste in Greece 29 June 2018 Athens, Greece Opportunities offered through the collection of used cooking oil to produce advanced biodiesel were discussed during a workshop organised by RREUSE in the...
Spanish study shows zero taxation on second-hand goods not a ‘loss’ to state budget
AERESS, the Spanish association of social and solidarity enterprises active in re-use, repair and recycling is calling on its government to introduce VAT exemptions for second-hand products. Used goods that have been recovered from the waste stream through ‘preparing...
RREUSE agrees new partnership with EU Commission’s DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
RREUSE is delighted to announce the signing of a four-year framework partnership with the European Commission’s Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion. The deal will help RREUSE’s mission in the promotion of an enabling policy...
EU Parliament vote brings national re-use discussions a step closer
Following today’s vote by the European Parliament in Strasbourg, Europe took another step forward to officially adopting changes to key EU waste laws, initially proposed as part of the Commission’s Circular Economy Package in December 2015. Despite a lack of any...
The SURFACE project: More re-use in Central Europe!
Our society consumes large volumes of goods and resources resulting in severe consequences for our environment due to increased waste generation. The best way to reduce waste is not to generate it in the first place which starts with extending the lifetime of...
Final deal on Waste Framework Directive includes several support measures for re-use
The European Parliament and EU Member States have agreed on clearer measures to support waste prevention and made notable steps to clarify the role of ‘preparing for re-use’ in the European waste hierarchy as part of a revised European Waste Framework Directive. ...
European re-use sector gathers to promote the human dimension of a circular economy
At the end of November over one hundred participants from thirteen European countries met in Charleroi, Belgium, to discuss the role of social enterprise in a circular economy. The conference organised by RREUSE demonstrated the key social and environmental impact of...