
RREUSE expands with Emmaüs Europe joining the network

RREUSE expands with Emmaüs Europe joining the network

RREUSE is delighted to announce that Emmaüs Europe has become a member of the network. The federation of all Emmaüs structures in Europe brings together 309 groups from 17 European countries and represents one of the four continental regions of the Emmaüs movement....

European re-use actors from the social economy meet in Brussels

Mid-March the first RREUSE network meeting of this year was held in Brussels attended by 16 members from 10 countries. Discussions about the current policy work were encouraged by the European Parliament vote in the plenary that strengthened the role of re-use and...

Leading young people to make a circular economy happen

RENEW2020 is a European project that gives young people and people from disadvantaged groups entrepreneurial skills which encourage them to seize the opportunities of the circular economy related to re-use, repair and upcycling. A group of 25 students takes part on...

Poor handling of WEEE must be tackled

It is frustrating to see our old electronics being trashed, including at local recycling centres, especially when we know they could have been used by someone else. Waste policies favouring recycling over re-use, including the lack of separate EU targets for preparing...

Scottish re-use consortium delivers furniture to people in need

Scottish re-use consortium delivers furniture to people in need

Scottish households on a low income can access essential items such as beds, tables, fridges or washing machines quicker and cheaper thanks to a consortium of social enterprises providing them with quality second-hand goods. The Community Resources Network Scotland...

MEPs support separate targets for preparing for re-use

MEPs support separate targets for preparing for re-use

Today, the European Parliament’s environment committee backed several changes to the EU Waste Framework Directive which would support re-use and repair as well as social enterprise active in this field. These changes are based on European Commission proposals to amend...

New tool shows CO2 emissions saved through re-use

How big an impact does it make if you keep a product in use rather than throwing it away? A new online calculator available in English and developed by the Spanish re-use network of social enterprises Aeress helps answer this question. The English version of the...