by Jana Zurkova | Feb 13, 2017 | News
It is frustrating to see our old electronics being trashed, including at local recycling centres, especially when we know they could have been used by someone else. Waste policies favouring recycling over re-use, including the lack of separate EU targets for preparing...
by Jana Zurkova | Jan 19, 2017 | Events
Librebook│Chaussée de Wavre 128│Brussels On 18 January RREUSE organised a discussion with Sepp Eisenriegler, a passionate fighter against the throwaway culture and the founder of the Repair and Service Centre Vienna (R.U.S.Z), a social enterprise. RREUSE was delighted...
by Jana Zurkova | Nov 21, 2016 | News
How big an impact does it make if you keep a product in use rather than throwing it away? A new online calculator available in English and developed by the Spanish re-use network of social enterprises Aeress helps answer this question. The English version of the...
by Jana Zurkova | Oct 17, 2016 | Events
In mid-October the RREUSE network met in Dublin hosted by the Community Reuse Network Ireland (CRNI). RREUSE members from nine European countries and the USA dedicated three days to getting to know the Irish re-use scene through participating in a conference on Making...
by Jana Zurkova | Sep 5, 2016 | Events, News
Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is being promoted as a key market-based instrument to help implement EU waste legislation, including full application of the waste hierarchy. However, aside from a handful of cases, EPR has seldom been used as a tool to promote...