Wednesday 15 March 2017, 14:00 - 17:30 European Economic and Social Committee - Rue Belliard 99 • B-1040 Brussels, BE - Room JDE 63 RREUSE is one of the partners in the BIOHEC-Life project which aims at promoting the use of used cooking oils for biodiesel production....
Leading young people to make a circular economy happen
RENEW2020 is a European project that gives young people and people from disadvantaged groups entrepreneurial skills which encourage them to seize the opportunities of the circular economy related to re-use, repair and upcycling. A group of 25 students takes part on...
Discussion and book signing with Sepp Eisenriegler: How consumerism fools us and how to fight back
Librebook│Chaussée de Wavre 128│Brussels On 18 January RREUSE organised a discussion with Sepp Eisenriegler, a passionate fighter against the throwaway culture and the founder of the Repair and Service Centre Vienna (R.U.S.Z), a social enterprise. RREUSE was delighted...
Irish re-use and recycling social enterprise
In mid-October the RREUSE network met in Dublin hosted by the Community Reuse Network Ireland (CRNI). RREUSE members from nine European countries and the USA dedicated three days to getting to know the Irish re-use scene through participating in a conference on Making...
EPR Club: How to support re-use and preparing for re-use through EPR
Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is being promoted as a key market-based instrument to help implement EU waste legislation, including full application of the waste hierarchy. However, aside from a handful of cases, EPR has seldom been used as a tool to promote...
The Dutch re-use flagships at anchor around Amsterdam
At the end of June RREUSE held a members' meeting in Amsterdam attended by representatives from eleven member organisations and nine European countries. The meeting, hosted by bKN, a Dutch network of re-use social enterprises, provided a forum for discussion about...
Local authorities showcasing their waste prevention policies
Towards Zero Waste cities: How local authorities can apply waste prevention policies The 22nd of June, RREUSE and Zero Waste Europe co-organised a conference on the topic of waste prevention as applied by European local authorities. This conference was held in front...
Towards Zero Waste cities: How local authorities can apply waste prevention policies
Wed. 22nd June 2016: 11:00 – 18:00 Committee of the Regions, Brussels RREUSE and Zero Waste Europe are co-organising a conference on the topic of waste prevention at a local level. Contributing to the ongoing debate on a European circular economy, this conference will...
MEPs see benefits of re-use first hand
A delegation of MEPs and European parliamentary staff working on the EU’s revised Circular Economy Package toured a French re-use facility in Strasbourg earlier this month. The visit, organised by RREUSE, introduced policymakers to the training and job creation...
Government experts share best practice on re-use
Innovative measures to promote re-use over recycling across Europe were highlighted earlier this month at an event organized by RREUSE in Brussels. Spanish legislation boosting re-use and emphasising the role of the social economy in the waste sector was showcased by...
The Flemish way around the circle
10-11th March, twenty four representatives of social enterprises from 10 countries across Europe met in Ghent, Belgium, to exchange best practices in the re-use sector and discuss the European Commission’s Circular Economy policy proposals. The RREUSE event, hosted by...
Commission officials see re-use centre in action
Officials from the European Commission department responsible for the Circular Economy Package were given a tour of a Belgian re-use centre in February followed by an exchange of views with the RREUSE network on new waste legislation proposals. Mr. Julius Langendorff,...