Green Friday is back for its 5th edition!

Green Friday is back for its 5th edition!

While many people still perceive Black Friday as an opportunity, the Green Friday Collective is back this year – more motivated than ever – with the firm intention of debunking the myth: NO, Black Friday is not a good deal. Black Friday is the commercial tradition...

Back to school? Save money and the environment through second-hand!

Back to school? Save money and the environment through second-hand!

Whilst children require certain products to go to class and learn, many of these goods have a limited lifespan, often being used for one single year before ending up in landfill. But this is not the only pitfall of the back-to-school period: school supplies are...

RREUSE Activity Report 2020

RREUSE Activity Report 2020

Building on resilience, innovation and circularity amidst global pandemic 2020 was a relentless year, marked by global fear, uncertainty and instability. For social enterprises active in circular services, COVID-19 severely disrupted existing activities, placing...

Member States to start measuring re-use

Member States to start measuring re-use

Under the EU Waste Framework Directive, Member States must monitor and assess the implementation of waste prevention measures using appropriate qualitative or quantitative measures[1]. As part of this process and following lengthy negotiations, Member States agreed in...