EU Textile Strategy: civil society’s demands to MEPs

EU Textile Strategy: civil society’s demands to MEPs

In the context of the consideration of the European Parliament’s draft report on the EU Strategy for sustainable and circular textiles, RREUSE, together with 6 civil society organisations recalls the necessary actions to make the textiles strategy an effective tool to shift the sector towards circularity as well as environmental and social sustainability.

RREUSE Position Paper on the Revised VAT Directive

RREUSE Position Paper on the Revised VAT Directive

RREUSE believes that Member States should make use of the current window of opportunity for updating Value Added Tax (VAT) rules to create a better taxation framework for social enterprises active in the circular economy. Reduced VAT rates and exemptions on the basis of social and environmental activities are an essential instrument to acknowledge social enterprises’ large contribution to fostering work integration opportunities, green skilling, and the objectives of a circular economy, in line with the EU Social Economy and Circular Economy Action Plans.