RREUSE’s response to the Public Consultation on the revision of the Waste Framework Directive (WFD).

RREUSE’s response to the Public Consultation on the revision of the Waste Framework Directive (WFD).

Aiming at accelerating the green and digital transitions of the EU industry, the European Commission has prepared a Staff Working Document to outline possible scenarios for a transition pathway for a more resilient, sustainable, and digital textiles ecosystem. RREUSE reflected on the issues and possible output scenarios for 2030 that were presented in the Staff Working Document, and put together the response below.

RREUSE Comments on the European Semester 2021

RREUSE Comments on the European Semester 2021

While most Member States address circular policies to foster the green transition within their recovery and resilience plans, still too many fall short of designing holistic environmental measures with a strong social component. Within a current context of economic uncertainty and multiple global crises, besides the necessity of a green transition that is both fair and inclusive, RREUSE emphasises the importance of an economic and environmental agenda characterised by strong social and circular economy principles.