Research study on developing re-use networks in Europe

Research study on developing re-use networks in Europe

RREUSE is delighted to announce the publication of the “Research study on developing re-use networks in Europe”, which aims to analyse networks of social economy re-use operators in Europe. RREUSE was selected by Kierrätyskeskus to conduct the study and draft the report in the framework of CIRCWASTE, a seven-year LIFE project aiming to promote the circular economy in Finland.

New Spanish law mandates 50% of tenders to social and circular enterprises

New Spanish law mandates 50% of tenders to social and circular enterprises

RREUSE applauds the recently approved “Law on Waste and Contaminated Soil for the Circular Economy” in Spain, which includes a provision that mandates 50% of public tenders related to the collection, transport, and treatment of second-hand products to social enterprises. This initiative is a crucial element of the Plan for Recovery, Transformation and Resilience (PRTR).