Let’s refurbish consumers’ rights: For an extension of legal warranties that benefit both consumers and independent repairers

Let’s refurbish consumers’ rights: For an extension of legal warranties that benefit both consumers and independent repairers

To complement the extension of the scope of the Ecodesign Directive, which should in the future apply to other types of products than electronics and pay particular attention to making products more durable and repairable, the Commission has recently launched a public consultation on the “Sustainable consumption of goods – promoting the right to repair and reuse”.

Ingenuity and Resilience: Social Enterprises during the COVID-19 crisis

Ingenuity and Resilience: Social Enterprises during the COVID-19 crisis

During the COVID-19 pandemic, most social enterprises active in the circular economy faced significant challenges. However, RREUSE members stayed proactive in contributing to a fair and green recovery where possible, and offered all kinds of social and environmental services to help those most in need, with a strong focus on re-use, repair and recycling.